Course information
Chapter 1: Introduction
approx 3 min
This video highlights the key benefits of the new TEGO® Airex 923.
Chinese subtitles are included.
Chapter 2: Test methods
Dearation efficiency test
approx 1:30 min
This chapter shows the test methods we use to evaluate the deaeration efficiency of the product in a coating as well as the transparency.
Transparency test
approx 4 min
Chapter 3: Product performances
Theoretical background
approx 6:30min
In this video, our expert Donghua Zhang explains how TEGO® Airex 923 enhances performance of radiation curing wood coatings with a very complete set of data.
Chapter 4: Summary
approx 4 min
This chapter summarises the key learnings of this journey on TEGO® Airex 923 and includes a product factsheet that is downloadable.
Technical Fact Sheet: TEGO® Airex 923
Technical Fact Sheet: TEGO® Airex 923 PDF