Course information
approx 2 min
In this video, Nina Hoppe explains the role of surface control additives in wood coatings and describes the content of this learning journey.
Chapter 1: Slip and flow additives for wood coatings
Slip and flow additives for wood coatings
approx 6 min
In this first chapter, our expert Mike Peck introduces us to the topic of the surface control additives by reviewing the chemistry of these products as well as the benefits they can provide to wood coatings.
Chapter 2: Interfacial tension control and anti-crater effect
Interfacial tension control and anti-crater effect
approx 8 min
In this chapter, Mike explains the importance of surface and interfacial tensions and their effect on wetting, flow and leveling and surface defects of wood coatings.
Chapter 3: Slip and coefficient of friction reduction
Slip and coefficient of friction reduction
approx 8 min
This chapter addresses the topic of slip improvement and friction coefficient reduction as well as recoatability of wood coatings.
Chapter 4: Scratch and surface damage protection
Scratch and surface damage protection
approx 5:30 min
In this chapter, Mike explains the benefits of siloxane surface control additives for reduction of damage from scratch and abrasion of wood coating surfaces.
Chapter 5: Anti-blocking
approx 4 min
This chapter is dedicated to anti-blocking properties of the Evonik's surface control additives portfolio.
Chapter 6: Summary
approx 5:30 min
This chapter reviews the product positioning of the TEGO® Glide additives, offers some product recommendations and includes a Fact Sheet that is downloadable.